Meeting with Simona Feudatari, Head of Organisation in Italy

September 23, 2020

Simona Feudatari | gender diversity | Indosuez

Present your profession and its role within the organisation. What are the main highlights of your business over the year?

As head of the CAIWI Organisation Department, I'm in charge of project management, design and optimisation of organisational framework and processes, and implementation of internal regulations. I lead a team mainly composed of women, so Gender Diversity has a double effect on me: as a woman and as a manager of women.

Today we are managing the process of integration of the new Italian entity into the Group. A journey that began in 2018, with an important first stage in October 2019, and that will continue in the coming years.


What is your professional background? How did you manage your different career developments?

After graduating in Banking, Finance and Insurance, my first experience led me into the banking industry, approaching the world of "organisation".

Project management, company organisation and process design were recurring tasks in my career path. I grew professionally working for some of the main private banking players: Credit Suisse, Mediobanca and Banca Leonardo since 2007, now called CA Indosuez Wealth (Italy) S.p.A.. I personally believe that high commitment, strong sense of responsibility and change management skills are the key features to carry out a managerial role.


Was being a woman an asset or a handicap in your career? How do you manage your personal and professional life?

Being a woman and a mother gives you another point of view that can be an asset but sometimes it could turn into a weakness: leveraging the advantages must be the strategy, but is not always easy. Knowing how to handle situations and flexibility are essential for the life balance. Having a "plan B" is always advisable: with children, the unplanned is just around the corner. Another key point is to have the whole family onboard and above all, a partner in life who shares your goals (gender equality has to be applied within the family, as well). Many thanks to my husband for this.


How do you view the company's evolution in terms of gender diversity? In concrete terms, what initiatives do you and your teams take on a daily basis to make progress on the subject of gender diversity?

In order to change mindset we first of all need strong women commitment and cooperation. An important step is to talk about diversity and promote internal initiatives such as Indosuez’s initiative illustrated by this article.

Our Group is moving forward with a strong commitment in terms of gender diversity and I can proudly say that locally there is a good attention to the subject, encouraged by the female members of our enlarged ExCo, who already represent 47%.


What advice would you give to the younger generations?

Don't give up your professional growth or your family, but don't be in a hurry: the road may be longer and more winding, but in the end everything will find its own place in your life, like in a puzzle.

September 23, 2020

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